Privacy Policy


The purpose of this confidentiality policy is to inform users of the site

  • On how their personal data is collected. Any information allowing a user to be identified is considered personal data. As such, this may include: their first and last names, their age, their postal or email address, their location or even their IP address (non-exhaustive list);
  • On the rights they have regarding this data;
  • On the person responsible for processing the personal data collected and processed;
  • On the recipients of this personal data;
  • On the site's cookie policy.

This Policy is supplemented by:

  • Our legal notices
  • Our General Terms and Conditions


In accordance with article 5 of European Regulation 2016/679, personal data are:

  • Processed in a lawful, fair and transparent manner with regard to the person concerned;
  • Collected for specific purposes (see Article 3.1 hereof), explicit and legitimate, and not subsequently processed in a manner incompatible with these purposes;
  • Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed;
  • Accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. All reasonable measures must be taken to ensure that personal data which are inaccurate, having regard to the purposes for which they are processed, are erased or rectified without delay;
  • Kept in a form allowing the identification of the persons concerned for a period not exceeding that necessary for the purposes for which they are processed;
  • Processed in such a way as to ensure appropriate security of the data collected, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organizational measures.

Processing is only lawful if and to the extent that at least one of the following conditions is met:

  • The data subject has consented to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes;
  • The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or for the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the data subject;
  • The processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject;
  • The processing is necessary to safeguard the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person;
  • The processing is necessary for the performance of a mission of public interest or relating to the exercise of public authority vested in the controller;
  • Processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party, unless overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data, in particular where the person concerned is a child.


Article 3.1: Data collected

The personal data collected as part of our activity are carried out at the time of voluntary registration of users on the platform:

  • Data collected during profile creation
    • Name, First name, Telephone, Email, Password
  • Data collected during profile editing
    • Delivery address with contact details (telephone)
  • Data collected during orders placed on the platform
    • Order information (number of items, quantity, price, order ID), Shipping address, Payment information
  • Data collected when using the platform
    • History of communications with sellers
    • Order history
    • Reviews left by users on the platform

We also collect the data below in the following cases:

  • Visiting our website
    • Geolocation data from the browser (IP address, time zone)
    • Navigation data from cookies and tags placed on the site
  • Communication with Yela Store
    • We may collect personal data when you contact our services (request for information, complaint, assistance) 

The collection and processing of this data serves the following purposes:

  • Provision of our services
    • Customer relationship management (order tracking, after-sales service, etc.)
    • Execution of the contract (order processing)
    • Delivery processing
    • Payment processing
    • Management of unpaid debts and disputes
    • Contract management and invoicing
    • Handling requests for information and complaints
  • Our legitimate interests
    • Provision and improvement of our services
    • Customer satisfaction management
    • Improved customer experience
    • Commercial prospecting
    • Sending promotional/personalized offers (by email, post, SMS or via social networks)
    • Prevention and fight against fraud
  • Compliance with our legal, regulatory, legal and tax obligations

Article 3.2: Method of data collection 

The collection of your personal data can be carried out in several ways:

  • Site navigation
  • Creating an account
  • Payment for an order
  • Use of the platform
  • Request for information / complaint / contact customer service (electronic or paper format)
  • Request for information / complaint / contact the seller
  • Writing a review

The information likely to be collected by Yela Store is that relating to the identity of the user, their postal and electronic contact details, their payment information or even connection data.

All personal data collected by Yela Store is necessary for the provision of our services. They are kept by the data controller in reasonable security conditions.

Users' personal data will be kept for the duration strictly necessary for the purposes set out in Article 3.

Yela Store may retain certain personal data beyond the time periods announced above in order to fulfill its legal or regulatory obligations.

At the end of this additional period, user data is permanently deleted from the Yela Store databases.

Article 3.3: Data hosting

The Yela Store site is hosted by:

  • Company name: LWS ( - Ligne Web Services)
  • Legal form: SARL with capital of 500,000 Euros
  • Head office: 10 rue penthièvre 75008 Paris
  • RCS: Paris B 851 993 683 00024 - APE 6311Z
  • SIRET: 85199368300024
  • Intracommunity VAT number: FR21 851 993 683
  • Publication director: Nicolas Depredurand
  • President: Nicolas Depredurand
  • Managing Director: Nicolas Depredurand
  • Contact: +33 177 62 30 03

LWS - Ligne Web Services SAS is a subsidiary of the company Groupe LWS, a company with capital of 500,000 Euros registered with the Epinal RCS under number 450 453 881 2, rue Jules Ferry, 88190 Golbey.

Article 3.4: Transmission of data to third parties 

The personal data collected by Yela Store may be transmitted to external service providers in order to ensure the proper functioning of the Services. Yela Store uses the following service providers in particular:

  • The online store provider (Shopify): to learn more about Shopify's use of your Personal Information, please visit the following page:
  • The payment service provider (Shopify Payments) for online payment transactions
  • Carriers for shipping packages
  • Google Analytics to better understand how our customers use the site: to learn more about Google's use of your Personal Information, please visit the following page: /.
  • The platform and data host (LWS)
  • Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest) for advertising targeting purposes

These third parties have limited access to your information. They only have access to the data necessary to carry out their services.

Information is shared only to enable us to perform our contractual obligations and when necessary for our legitimate business interest.

Your personal data is under no circumstances sold to third parties.

In order to comply with our legal and tax obligations, your data may be transmitted to the third parties below:

  • To the competent authorities
  • To the lawyers/accountants of Yela Store

Transfer of personal data of users outside the European Union 

For certain operations, personal data may be transmitted to companies located in countries outside the European Union.

Transfers outside the European Union can thus be carried out in the following cases:

  • Transmission of data to the Yela Store MAROC subsidiary for order processing
  • Transmission of data to carriers in order to ensure the shipment of packages.

Article 3.5: “Cookies” policy

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a generic term which designates a text file of limited size which may be kept on your computer or any other device allowing you to browse the internet (smartphone, tablet, etc.), when you visit our site.

The purpose of cookies is in particular to collect information relating to your navigation on the site, to remember information linked to your preferences (e.g. choice of language) or information previously provided for the entire duration of the conservation of the cookie.

A cookie does not directly identify a user (it does not contain first or last names), but the browser of their terminal.

Some cookies are essential for using the site, while others make it possible to optimize and personalize the content displayed.

Some cookies, called session cookies, have a relatively short shelf life (they are automatically deleted when you close your browser), while others, called permanent cookies, stay on your computer for longer (until you delete them manually or in accordance with the legal retention period)

The use of cookies is subject to the user's consent since they are not strictly necessary for the operation of the site.

Only the issuer of the cookie concerned is likely to read or modify the information contained therein.

What cookies does Yela Store use and what is their purpose?

Several types of cookies, meeting the purposes described below, may be recorded in the user's terminal during a visit to our site.

  • Cookies necessary for the operation of the site

Some cookies are necessary for the site to function. They are essential in order to navigate the platform. These cookies allow you to:

  • Provide a secure connection when you access the Site;
  • Implement security measures, for example inviting you to reconnect after a certain period of inactivity on the site
  • Facilitate your navigation on the site by allowing you to remain connected during the entire navigation period without having to re-enter your username/password, and to keep the contents of your basket

It is not possible to refuse these cookies if you wish to visit our website.





Used in connection with administrator access.

2 years


Used in connection with navigation in a storefront.



Used for payment.



Used to manage customer privacy settings.

1 year


Used to manage customer privacy settings.

30 mins


Used to manage customer privacy settings.

2 weeks


Used to facilitate updating customer account information.

1 minute


Tracking preferences.

1 year


Used for payment.

1 year


Used in connection with the shopping cart.

2 weeks


Used in purchasing.

2 weeks


Used for payment.

2 weeks


Used for payment.

2 weeks


Used in connection with the shopping cart.

2 weeks


Used for payment.

4 weeks


Used for payment.

1 year


Used for payment.

30 mins


Used for payment.



Used as part of buyer location.

2 weeks


Used as part of the merchant connection.

2 years


Used for payment.

1 year


Used for payment.

1 year


Used as part of client connection.

20 years


Used for payment.

1 year


Used for payment.

30 minutes, 3 weeks or 1 year depending on the value


Used as part of client connection.

2 years


Used for payment.

1 year


Used for payment.



Used for payment.

3 weeks


Used for payment.

3 weeks


Used as part of client authentication.



Used as part of client authentication.



Used as part of client authentication.

12 weeks

  • Personalization or functionality cookies

They allow us to optimize the operation of the site and adapt its presentation to the display preferences of the user's terminal when browsing (e.g. language used, content preference). These cookies offer you a personalized browsing experience by adapting the content of the site for you. They also allow us to track your activity on the site for reporting and statistical analysis purposes.

If you refuse to use these cookies, certain features and pages of the site may not function properly.





Monitor landing pages.

2 weeks


Monitor landing pages.

2 weeks


Shopify analytics.

30 mins


Shopify analytics.



Shopify analytics.

30 mins


Shopify analytics related to marketing and recommendations.

30 mins


Shopify analytics related to marketing and recommendations.

30 mins


Shopify analytics.

1y year


Shopify analytics.

1 year


Shopify and Google Analytics analytics.



Shopify analytics.



Shopify analytics.


  • Cookies integrated into third-party applications on our sites

We may include a third-party computer application in some of the functionalities of our site, allowing users to share content on social networks (Instagram, Facebook, etc.). By clicking on the share button, one or more cookies are then placed on the user's terminal by the social network concerned.

We have neither access nor control over the process put in place by social networks to collect this information. We suggest that you consult the privacy policies of these third parties for more information on their management of cookies.

How are users informed?

Users visiting our site for the first time are informed of the use of cookies through the cookies banner displayed on the site. User consent is then requested.

Users are also invited to refer to the confidentiality policy (link indicated on the cookie banner) to obtain more information on our management of cookies.

How long do cookies last?

In accordance with regulations, cookies have a maximum lifespan of 13 months.

How can the user manage cookies?

By browsing the site, the user expressly consents to the use of cookies.

You can, however, choose to deactivate all or some cookies (with the exception of cookies necessary for the proper functioning of the site) using your browser settings. Please note, however, that deactivating all cookies will prevent the user from using the site under normal conditions, with the exception of basic functions.

Yela Store declines all responsibility for the consequences linked to the degraded functioning of the site and the services possibly offered by it resulting from (i) the refusal of cookies by the user (ii) the impossibility for Yela Store and/or its partners to save or consult the cookies necessary for their operation due to the user's choice.

For the management of cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, and will allow you to know how to modify your cookie preferences.


Article 4.1: The data controller

Personal data is collected by Yela Store, a simplified joint stock company with capital of 1,000 Euros, whose registration number is 951 612 712.

The person responsible for processing personal data can be contacted as follows:

  • By mail to the address: Yela Store, 53 rue de l'échiquier, 75010, Paris
  • By email: 

Article 4.2: The data protection delegate

The company's data protection officer is Myriam Bennouna. She can be contacted at the following email address:

If you believe, after contacting us, that your “Computer and Liberties” rights are not respected, you can send information to the CNIL.


Any user concerned by the processing of their personal data can avail themselves of the following rights, in application of European regulation 2016/679 and the Data Protection Act (Law 78-17 of January 6, 1978):

  • Right of access, rectification and right to erasure of data (set out respectively in Articles 15, 16 and 17 of the GDPR);
  • Right to data portability (article 20 of the GDPR);
  • Right to limitation (article 18 of the GDPR) and to object to data processing (article 21 of the GDPR);
  • Right not to be subject to a decision based exclusively on an automated process
  • Right to determine the fate of data after death;
  • Right to refer the matter to the competent supervisory authority (article 77 of the GDPR).

To exercise your rights, please contact us by:

  • Mail: Yela Store at 53 rue de l'échquier, 75010, Paris
  • Email:

In order for the data controller to grant his request, the user may be required to communicate certain information such as: his first and last names, his email address as well as his account number, personal space or subscriber.

Visit the website for more information on your rights.


The publisher of the Yela Store site reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time in order to assure users of the site that it complies with the law in force.

Any modifications cannot have an impact on purchases previously made on the site, which remain subject to the Policy in force at the time of the purchase and as accepted by the user upon validation of the purchase.

The user is invited to read this Policy each time he uses our services, without it being necessary to formally warn him.

This policy was published on December 12, 2023.